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Who Is Kezbo?!

As if you didnt know...lol, well basically im 14, male and i live in Manchester, England. Im single, meh =(  I skate! (not very well, but I skate!) lol I can ollie (not very high) and I can drop in, and pump, and other basic stuff like that, I skate at bonez skate park with my friends Jack and Nathan, theyre better than me, meh =( oh well ,ill catch them up! My bro snapped my board tho, so no skating til crimbo! Scott, You Owe Me 5 Pound For The Griptape!!!! Anyways...thats all you guys need to know, ttyl!

History Behind My Site

Errr, hi again? lol, OK history behind my site, there isnt one really, first it started off as a wrestling site (hence the name "kezboswwe") then i said "balls to this" and decided to make it into a site about meee!!!!! And there you are, history! =D

Others? wtf =S

Hmm, not sure what Im supposed to put here...But I may aswell fill in the gap! Err, siblings? OK, I have 2 older brothers, ones a skater (like me) and the other is a townie meh =( Oh well, he still likes me (who doesnt?) err, pets? OK, I have 4 dogs, a cat, 2 fish and a guinea pig, you want there names? -mutters yes- ok =) Chloe, Toby, Rosie, and Bonnie are the dogs, Lucky is the cat, Nam & Trac are the fish and Max is the piggedy pig! Favourite music? PUNK RAWK!!!!!! =D Blink 182, Greenday, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Lostprophets, stuff like that! I like Ska too, Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake, Spunge, Rancid and a few more. Im also getting into Emo now! Bands like InMe and My Chemical Romance!

OK, just random stuff about me, I gots bluey greeney eyes, Bluey Black hair, gah, you dont need my life story, thats all folks!!! Stay Beautiful =)

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