!!!Non' The Wizer!!!
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Non' The Wizer!

Yo everybody, and welcome to the NON' THE WIZER page!!! *crowd cheers* woo!!! Incase your wondering, Non' The Wizer is the name of the band I'm in! Take a look below at who's in the band and other shit to do with us!

Band Logo!

Just a rough sketch! Not bad eh?


Lead Singer!!! w00t!


Drum Player! He's got a kit now!!! hurrey!!!


Our beloved Bass Guitarist!


Rhythem Guitar! Rawk On Bud! Rawk On with your Les Paul!!!


And last but certainly not least, the almighty lead guitarist...SCOTT! (his hair's alot longer now!)

NTW "Mistreated"

Our First Ever CD!!!! (we've not made it yet, lol)

Back Of CD

We'll be adding more songs to the list VERY soon!

Non The Wizer!

We were rehearsing on stage, and we kinda got bored so decided to take piccies!!! =D



Non' The Wizer...Rawk Out! =)