!!!"Bowling For Soup" Concert 2004!!!
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Bowling For Soup!

OMFG!!! This concert absolutely RAWKED!!! Best concert I've ever been to! We hung out with Feeble Weiner (supporting band) and Chris from BFS, HE SIGNED MY CELL PHONE!!!=D He tried phoning my bro too to say hello! But my phone broke on me =( Oh wells, IM GONNA BE ON TV!!! The dude from Feeble weiner got a camera out and started filming me and Jack saying "FEEBLE WEINER FUCKIN' ROCK!!! \m/" so hopefully we'll be on theyre new vid! =D

Crowd surfing was awesome...Until they dropped me on my spine =( lol, and what about the mosh pit?! damn those things are brutal!!! The best part has gotta be when Jason lost his shoe and it ended up on stage, and Chris got hold of it and was sniffing and licking it!!! We're like "THATS HIS SHOE!!!" pointing to jason!

Why does Jarret sound like he's stoned all the time? lol, he was talkin' to me and he's all like "ohh...dude...hows it...goin'...?" lol, oh wells, he's cool!! the dude from Feeble Weiner was chattin' to me the most, talkin' about how much he likes England more than America, but sshhh, dont tell the yankies!!!

well guys, I can only apologise, cos I forgot a god damn camera and so I couldn't take piccies!!! ='( Oh wells, hopefully I'll be goin' again next year, but in the mean time, BLINK 182 ARE UP NEXT!!! December the third, I'll be sure to keep y'all upated!



Chris' Autograph!!!

Well, there it is!

My BFS Ticket!

Hhm, I aint got a pic of this yet, but soon I shall scan it in!!! Whoaness!!!