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Non' The Wizer

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Howdy-doodie everybody! this is a website all about Kezbo (MEEE!!!) Hope yall like it, stay beautiful y'all!

<------Meee!!!!!! =D yee I have a new pic!!! (nice eh?) lol...

What Is This Website About?

This website is about me, me and...erm...oh yeah, ME! Its about my favourite things, people, places, pics and lots more!

Site Last Updated: 01/11/04

Uhh, LATEST NEWS has been updated, that's about it I think, ENJOY!!!


Non' The Wizer Website!


Callum's Site

jackoriah's Website!!!

http://www.jackoandpals.20m.com My friend jack's website!

Latest News...
Gaah, school on Tuesday...=( I dont wanna go back...oh wells, OOooOOooOOooOOoo!!! Watched Dawn Of The Dead last Saturday, t'was very w00t! =D Dragged on a lil tho...Still a cool film, and I advise y'all to watch it with the lights out and a nice, cool glass of whackamoley! (whatever the hell that is =P)

Kaya's website!