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Ahh, friends, what would we do without them? below is a list of my friends that have given me pics, if ya dont give me a pic then you wont be put on my site, then you wont feel very wubbed would you? =D

Thanks For The Picture Kaya!!! Tis Beautiful =)

Bah, onto my other friends!


Ahh, my good friend Jack, one of my best to be exact! He's in our band, None the Wizer! He plays drums (really good) RAWK ON JACK!!!


Another one of my best buddies! He's in None The Wizer too, Bass guitarist! Rawkage!!!


Nicolay!!! one of my best buddies on the net, and shes really funny too!!! she had the kick ass website Axle's Girl! It was rawkage...BUT MSN DELETED IT!!! ='( She's with her bro on this pic, he's purdy cool too!!!


Kaya is a really cool RAWK CHICK!!!!! She's really nice and likes cool bands, and has an awesome website where she dedicated a page to me!!!=D Anyways, she's sweet, funny, hot!!! Cool, and one of my best internet buddies!!! I love talking to her, she's a really great person!!!


Emilllyyyy, yeeaahhh!!! sorry, Bowling For Soup song....and speaking of bacon, this is one of Emily's favourite bands!!! RAWK ON EMZ!


BBBUUUDDDD!!!! Bud is our guitarist in our band! He's funny, cool and likes it when i kick him in the fashe! (face) He's got an Epiphone (iunno how ya spell it) and its cool, very much like him!


Nikki, she's cool! Likes wrestling, LURVES John Cena and Randy Orton! She just got a webcam and wont stop showing me pics of her god dayum frog...=|


aint she pretty? lol, sorry if im scarin ya nat...anyways, shes a huuugeee fan of Blink 182, same as Jack and Nathan and myself, we're all going to see them in December!!! woOoOoOoOoOtage!!! Hope to see you there Nat!!! (She's a lesbian, lol...seriously...)


Ive known Collier since I was born...lol, we used to play with his Tracy Island and my Biker Mice toys a long time ago when we were wee boys =D But not any more...*AHEM*

Danni Ann!

The girl with the "unique" sense of humour, lol. I dont talk to her much which is a shame, cos shes pretty funny! Oh well, Rawk On Dani!


Aaaannnnnnnaaaaaa!!!! Shes really sweet, funny too! and, umm, well, she rawks!!!! lol!


Callum is cool! Loves wrestling, I think he wrestles for IWP, not sure, he's made his own website too, rawkage!!! (its on the homepage)


Or SHMOOSIE as Anna calls her =P Or a miniature Britini Spears =O according to Jack, lol. Shes cool!!!