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Guys, honestly! It was the best live WWE event I've ever been to! The titon-tron rawked! The fireworks and piro rawked! The superstars rawked! Hmm, lemme see...EVERYTHING ABOUT IT RAWKED!!! The only downside was Trish Stratus' Music playing whilest Regal and Eugene were in the ring, and some crowd person jumping over the barrier and attempting to get in the ring! lol, HBK and Edge literlaly dived onto him and "restrained" him whilest security ran over! HHH was gonna get him too but then he remembered that he hates Edge and HBK and didnt help them out.

The match card was great! Stacy Kiebler versus Trish Stratus for the women's title. STACY WAS WEARING A MANCHESTER UNITED T-SHIRT!!! There was Eugene and William Regal versus La Resistance...REGAL SHUD'VE WON!!! umm, lemme see, there was stevie and Val Venis versus Hurricane and Rosey, but Kane came out and beat the shit outta them!!! w00t! hmm...*thinks* oh yeah, the main event, HBK, Benoit and Edge versus evolution, and thats when the dude ran into the ring! there were more, I just cant remember most of them!

Some pics I took are below!

WWE Raw Begins!!!

I could'nt really get a decent pic of the fireworks, cos everyone else had their signs up, meh =(


This match wasn't on TV, they just used him to test the lights and sound and movies n stuff...

Randy Orton!

Hmm, its not very clear, but its still Randy!!!

Stacy Keibler!

Thank lord I have zoom on my camera!!! lol.

La Resistance!

Hmm, not much to say here, except YOU CHEATING BASTARDS!!!! (they cheated in their match, incase you didnt watch it =P)

Regal And Eugene!

Now these are the guys that shud've won, damneet! =( oh wells...REGAL REGAL REGAL!!! sorry, I miss doing that...

Kane! (And Other Various Superstars...)

Watch out Val Venis, hes got a chair!!! *BASH!* too late...Oh wells, thats all the pics I could fit on this page. There are more, but I guess you wont get to see them will you? MAYBE YOU SHUD'VE PAYED 65 POUNDS FOR A GOD DAMN TICKET!!!! AARRGGHHHH!!!!! *ahem*...sorry...=)